In this video, I am brewing on the concept of "Paying it Forward". In my context, it is a form of collaboration without any preconceived outcomes. I want to help where I can and sometimes I need help from those who can. I don't think asking for assistance is a sign of weakness. For me, it has been a powerful way of building community. Don't be afraid to ask...or you will NEVER know!
A PURE SOUTH AFRICAN EXPERIENCE in post-Apartheid South Africa. imagine what is possible, create that opportunity, change a life….or yours. A task as routine as air travel, taken for granted by many people, could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience to someone else… Perhaps you have no need or desire to travel. Or perhaps you do. But wouldn't it be nice to have the option. To have the opportunity to experience something you may never otherwise have experienced. Isn't it also incredible to have the opportunity to create that opportunity for someone else?